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Making consistent 5K+ months is easier than you think. 

And it doesn’t take fancy tools or websites to get it done.

  • If you've started and still aren't making money in your business, it's likely because...

  • 1. You don't have clarity in your purpose and marketing message.

    2. You lack the confidence and know-how to make offers and close sales.

    3. You struggle with Lead Generation; unsure of exactly who your ideal client is and where to find her.

    You've probably made this harder than it needs to be, and I want to show you how to make it SIMPLE. Because once you know exactly what to do in each area and where to keep your focus, the process will not only feel so much easier, but you will have FUN showing up for work each day!

    I'm going to walk with you through every single step inside The Pathway to 5K, holding your hand, coaching and guiding you in everything you need to know - and cutting out the things you DON’T- to keep you focused on the most important, most essential practices... so that you can actually grow your business and make money. 

    It’s time to cut the fluff.  If you aren't making consistent money in your business because you've been overcomplicating it, that sucks.  

    Let's fix it. 

    No more struggling.

    In fact, YOUR business is GOD’s MISSION.

    He cares that you succeed.

    But maybe you've started to doubt your calling, wondering if you were ever supposed to venture down this road in the first place.

    After all, if this was a calling from God, why has it felt so hard?

    You may even be carrying around some feelings of shame because you've invested so much of yourself, with little to show for it... all the work you've done and the time you've spent online instead of with your family.

    My friend, there is a simple framework for growing a successful online business that allows you true freedom to work in complete alignment with God’s calling on your life. 

    And it doesn’t involve overwhelm or confusion that makes you doubt your belief in your call to become an entrepreneur….

    Those feelings are NOT from our Creator. 

    Everything you need to know is waiting for you inside the Pathway to 5K.

    Enroll Now
    Have Questions? Book A Free Consultation Call And Get Your Answers.

    "I don't know about you, but it is hard for me to celebrate how far I have come. I am always so focused on how far I have to go.

    Since working with Theresa, I've created an incredible online and in-person community and hit my first $7K month in only 90 days! This last week we had our big event. Being diligent in my tasks and using Theresa's strategies, I had great turn out- 36 ppl attended and I have 12 appointments booked so far!

    I am excited for what doors will open up for me as I continue!"

    -Shannon, Financial Coach"

    A profitable business with endless leads and potential is possible for you right now... without the confusion, hustle, or overwhelm.

    How would it feel to...

  • Have a consistent flow of potential clients that are actively seeking for what you have?

  • To show up with posture and love selling because your clients love working with you and expect you to help them.

  • Wake up with notifications of people who are ready to purchase?

  • Put energy into your business in a way you know will pay off?

  • Build a dynamic, fun, and active online community that makes you want to wake up and get to work in the mornings?

  • Make a positive impact for the Kingdom of God through your business?

  • We ALL thrive for community

    to “STIR up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together…. But encouraging one another…” (Hebrews 10:24)

    In case we haven't met yet, I'm Theresa Taylor. 

    Faith-led business and success coach, productivity and marketing expert, champion of women to Iive out their God-sized dreams.

    From the very beginning, leaving my teaching career of 10 years and moving to online sales and building a business from home, I knew I needed to do things differently than what other marketers were doing online. But I didn't know how. 

        • Spending time cold messaging

        • Endlessly posting on social

        • Always on my phone

    The hustle life was killing me and I was burnt out and NOT spending time with the children I chose to stay home with in the first place. 

    Like most entrepreneurs, I became obsessed with professional development, and discovered a passion within me for creating productivity and marketing systems to use in my business. And they worked! I was making a great income, enjoying the process, and getting to spend the time with my family that I desired.

    In the winter of 2019, God placed the calling on my heart to help other women develop these systems for themselves in their businesses too. In my time coaching these women, I realized the #1 problem they had in growing their business online was lead generation..... finding the right people to talk to who were actively looking for the solution these women had. 


    Creating a dynamic Facebook community built on a common mission joined together with clear messaging and a simple and proven sales framework was the answer. I had done this for myself, and the women I was coaching 1-to-1 were having great results too. And because of the success my clients were having, I knew I was now being called to mentor other women on a larger scale...

    And now, my mission is to help entrepreneurs not only create a lead generating machine, but to also discover deep clarity and alignment to effortlessly connect with these potential clients and lead them through a process to ultimately close the sale and create consistent income. 


    Which is why I created...

    The P25K is the ultimate 8-week intensive mentorship and mastermind experience for coaches and service-based providers who want to increase profits and sales through a step-by-step framework for growing their audience, nurturing their leads, and closing the sale… to show up with confidence and alignment with God’s calling for their lives and business… without the never-ending hustle mentality that sucks the energy, joy, and time from what they love to do and who they want to spend their time with.

    In The Pathway To 5K, you will learn the strategies and master the skills needed to make consistent 5K+ months. 

    No more spinning your wheels. 

    No more wasting time.

    This program is designed to give you ultimate clarity in your offer, your process, and how to actually get people through the doors to consume it.

    We are going to make you a consistent sales strategy to help you make income you can rely on...

    ...Every. Single. Month.

    The P25K is a COMPLETE business mentorship and mastermind program designed to help you grow and nurture your audience, moving your leads from the posts to ultimately working with you.

    You will have a lead and sales generating machine based on proven systems and routines that create endless possibilities for your business.

    "I'm so thankful for Theresa! I literally just look up to her so much. Everything I've learned from her is amazing! I was stuck for a long time and working with Theresa, something just “clicked.” I brought in 8 new clients last month and 1 already this month, and I am on track to make my first 10K month! 

    My business has grown so much and I’m not even halfway through the material yet. I’m more productive and more focused, and I know it’s just the beginning. I have more leads than I can ask for... Theresa Rocks!"

    -Mas, Copywriter and Sales Strategist

    Phase 1: Building A Foundation of Radical Clarity and Alignment

    Phase 1 sets the stage for business transformation, providing the clarity, tools, and strategies needed to build a purposeful and profitable venture, laying the groundwork for a purpose-driven and profitable business.


    Here's what awaits you:

  • ‣ Gain profound clarity on your Purpose, the Person you're serving, and the Specific Problems you aim to solve. Create a roadmap for your client's journey, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience from start to finish.

    ‣ Discover the art of finding the right people and building meaningful connections within your industry.

    ‣ Learn how to seamlessly integrate your profile for maximum impact and implement a unique posting strategy designed for quick wins, setting the stage for immediate results.

    ‣ Establish Stage 1 of your daily method of operations, ensuring focused and efficient business activities. 

    ‣ Craft compelling offers and learn effective pricing strategies that communicate the true value of working with you.

    ‣ Develop a personalized calendar to drive consistent 5K months, aligning marketing and sales efforts for optimal results.

    Phase 2: Establishing Connection And Authority Through Engaging Content Mastery

    Phase 2 paves the route to establishing authority, creating engaging content, and implementing strategic processes that set the stage for reliable results.

    Here's what's in store:

    ‣ Discover the power of your mission and craft a compelling Bridge story that not only showcases your expertise but establishes a deep connection and rapport with potential clients.


    ‣ Understand the significance of nurturing touch-points and why they are instrumental in building lasting relationships with your audience.

    ‣ Dive into the intricacies of content creation with a focus on identifying key content pillars and mapping strategies, ensuring your message is cohesive and strategic.

    ‣ Learn the art of long-term content planning to maintain consistency and relevance throughout the year.

    ‣ Implement the Reliable Results Process™, a strategic approach designed to enhance your business's reliability and deliver consistent, meaningful outcomes.

    ‣ Master the art of conversion events, turning engagements into opportunities for meaningful connections and business growth.

    ‣ Evolve your Daily Method of Operations with Stage 2, ensuring a streamlined and effective approach to your daily business activities.

    Phase 3: Maximize Cashflow And Build Endless Success By Mastering Sales Conversations

    Phase 3 is the culmination of your journey, equipping you with the skills, strategies, and mindset needed to not only excel in sales but to create an impactful, purpose-driven business. In the final phase of the Pathway to 5K program, participants delve into the art of converting leads into consistent 5K months.

    Here's what's on the inside:

    ‣ Elevate your communication skills to a new level, mastering the art of turning conversations into sales with finesse and authenticity.


    ‣ Learn the intricacies of turning potential clients into committed appointments, setting the stage for meaningful interactions.

    ‣ Navigate and overcome objections with confidence, turning challenges into opportunities for connection and conversion.

    ‣ Sharpen your skills through role-playing exercises, gaining real-time insights and honing your ability to navigate various scenarios.

    ‣ Discover the strategic process of follow-ups, ensuring that no lead goes untapped and establishing long-term relationships.

    ‣ Unlock the power of referrals, creating a network of endless leads and expanding your reach organically.

    ‣ Integrate the knowledge and skills gained throughout the program into a cohesive strategy designed for consistent success.

    ‣ Fine-tune and implement your personalized game plan, setting the stage for continuous 5K months with confidence and clarity.

    Enroll Now

    3-Phase Signature Pathway to 5K Course (Value $1697)

    The ultimate blueprint to gaining massive momentum and profits by creating a firm foundation and long term strategy for making this your best year yet. Inside the course, you will learn the daily actions and processes needed to move the needle forward so you know exactly what to do and when, streamlining your efforts and making more money in less time. As you follow the step-by-step framework to lead prospective clients in a seamless sales funnel to closing the sale, you will have all you need to make consistent 5K months in your business a reality.

    (Value $1697)

    Access to The Coaching Collective (Value $2497)

    You will have your own private mastermind community with other students enrolled in the program, and have the opportunity to be paired up with entrepreneurs working on similar goals as yourself to receive and provide additional support and accountability as you move through the program. Pods are designed by the small group and can include things like praying together, Zoom working sessions and "power hours."

    Group Q+A Coaching Calls (Value $2497)

    We will come together as a group to go over specific trainings, apply the content together in real-time examples with course students, and create specific game plans for your business. Come to these calls with any questions or problems you need help working through and receive on-the-spot coaching catered to exactly what you need. These sessions are powerful as they will help you trouble-shoot key areas and mindset as you apply your learning and will ensure you understand each next step as you build on the prior ones. 

    "Office Hour" Sessions (Value $1497)

    In these dedicated sessions, you'll be guided through the art of setting crystal-clear goals and crafting actionable plans to bring them to life. Imagine a space where you can map out your quarters and months, breaking them down into achievable steps, and receive expert guidance to stay on track. Whether you're aiming for 5K months, a thriving online presence, or time freedom for your passions, these sessions are your compass on the journey.

    OnBoarding Call (Value $297)

    No need to wonder what to do or where to start. This onboarding session will start you off on the right track and give you a major win right away as you start the program. This is a missing element to many programs out there, but not here. This is your opportunity to meet your coach right away to discuss the goals you want to work toward, establishing clear expectations and accountability.

    Automations Masterclass *Coming Soon!

    Grab an inside look at how you can begin to use free and paid-for automation tools to increase productivity and results by taking ownership of your time so you can double and even triple your income… and fall in LOVE with showing up for your business.

    "Theresa Taylor is an incredible strategist and a coach's coach, for sure! In only an hour and a half, we restructured the flow of my one-to-one coaching program to better fit my schedule and priorities, discussed a price point change for my program that made sense, simplified my marketing strategy, and discussed some of the best ways to get leads in the phase of my business I am in right now.

    I left the meeting feeling encouraged, and with greater clarity. It can get tough out there in the online coaching world, especially when you don't have someone to help you see the big picture or when you don't know what questions to ask yourself to move forward. Theresa helped me to get in tune with what I wanted for my business and encouraged me to also partner with God and hear from Him on his direction."

    -Jackie, Inner Healing Coach

    You'll get Immediate Access to the 3-Phase Signature Course, Community, Templates, & More!









    ⭐️ Supercharged: The Productivity Playbook

    How could a program really be complete without also learning tried and true time management strategies and systems that will help you get things done, without overwhelm so you can be on top of your game and slay your day. It is the ultimate productivity blueprint for Christian entrepreneurs to help you design the life and business of your dreams.  (Value $197) 

    ⭐️ The Ultimate Foundations Course

    A fulfilling life and business starts with the right foundation in place. This is a deep dive study into who God says you are, the promises He has given to you, and how understanding and using your gifts will help you to show up in alignment with the calling God has placed on your heart.  (Value $297)

    ⭐️ The Mindset Vault 

    The enemy can try to mess with us when we are living out God's calling on our lives. Keep your head in the game with the Mindset Vault, filled with key mindset trainings based on biblical truths to remind you WHO you are and to WHOM you belong. (Value $197)

    ⭐️ The Group Growth Accelerator

    Learn how to building a dynamic Facebook community built on a common mission. This deep dive has all you need to set up and monetize a Facebook from scratch to ensure a 5-star experience for your members and ease for creating connection and community. (Value $997)

    Enroll Now

    Here’s the truth… 

    God wants to use your life and business to glorify His Kingdom, that none should perish. But in the pursuit to grow a Kingdom-led business, the Enemy loves to creep in and try to plant doubt and fear when the Kingdom of God is at stake. 

    You need a community just as much as your clients do.

    I designed The Pathway To 5K to be just that…. A community of entrepreneurs, each on a mission to be God’s light in this dark world and grow a substantial business that supports both their families and their missions.

    The Pathway To 5K is a unique program- the only of its kind - That addresses the full sales funnel from the initial introduction to the close, and provides the roadmap to ensure business owners continue to grow seemingly effortlessly, equipping them with the skills necessary to make consistent 5K months and beyond…. The roadmap to endless qualified leads, prospective buyers, and clients. 

    It is a complete business program that is based on tried and true business systems and processes that have worked for countless others and will work for you, too.

    The community will support you and hold you accountable to keep you growing, dreaming, and hopeful in the promises God has given you. 

    "Hey, friend! I've worked with students from building content, marketing strategies and sales systems, to creating productivity and organizational systems for their businesses. I am a master at simplifying processes and communicating bigger ideas in ways that make sense, and I have a keen understanding of how the brain works, helping clients break through mental strongholds that are holding them back. I'm thrilled to share just a few client testimonials with you to help you make the best decision for yourself.

    Both me and so many other incredible women are waiting to welcome you into The Pathway To 5K."

    "Practicing what Theresa teaches hasn't just increased my engagement on a specific post, but my overall reach and engagement on my page. It's helping form my brand in a more cohesive way that helps me connect with so many amazing women on a deeper level than 'buy my product or service.' I'm literally growing my network in the way I've needed. It feels good to be busy engaging with people that resonate with the message I'm so passionate about sharing!"


    Intentional Abundance Coach

    I’ve worked with some high quality, high cost coaches, but Theresa by FAR has given me the most consistent stream of value and new content. I love her personal interest in MY goals and desires, and helping me build that. Her excitement and belief creates more confidence in myself, and her content definitely paves the way for how to make it happen. Highly recommend!!


    Marriage Coach

    "Super Grateful for Theresa. She has a GREAT sense of humor and is always so encouraging. Theresa is skilled at simplifying and making complicated things seem clear so that it feels doable."



    It’s been a God-send working with Theresa! She has so much joy and it truly comes across in all she does. That has impacted me in a big way! Even more importantly she is incredibly knowledgeable in all things systems, time management, business strategies, etc, which has been key to turning my overwhelm into clarity as I’m growing my health coaching business. I appreciate so much that all she teaches is presented in clear, simple ways so it makes sense! 🙌🏻  What a beautiful gift she gives to all of us with her passion for God in our business & how we can find success while keeping Him centered.


    Health Coach

    Thank you Theresa Taylor for coaching me into my dreams!!

    I’m a busy mom who was having trouble getting organized enough to accomplish my goals. Theresa helped me prioritize my goals and create a structure with timelines to achieve them. She has a keen sense of what needs to come first and really hearing me as I sorted through my scattered brain’s list of ideas.

    Because I achieved my Perinatal Mental Health Certification (thanks to her planning and help) I got an email asking me to apply for a job that had over 700 applicants, is the first ever of its kind, and I landed it, and it’s been a dream! From there, I got my first small speaking engagement, which was today!! It went so well and felt so natural. PTL for preparing me for a time such as this and for divine appointments to keep me on track.


    Maternal Mental Health Counselor

    Theresa is an amazing business coach! She is very knowledgeable in all things marketing, sales, and productivity, but she also challenges me to push and be a better business owner and marketer. 


    Holistic Life and Health Coach

    Theresa has been an incredible encouragement as a coach. She simplifies things and truly connects with a gentle and wise spirit. She gives you just the right amount of push to keep you going and understanding when you need to catch your breath. She has been a true blessing!


    Parenting and Personality Coach

    Theresa is good at meeting you where you are and offering support that you are ready for. She is willing to walk you each step of the way in building the business you desire. She has the tools and skills to help you scale up and refine your ideas. She helps you to build what you desire, and not a cookie cutter type of business, but one that is unique to you and your needs. Theresa shares systems and routines that help you streamline and use your time effectively and productively. All this she does with clarity,, generosity and integrity. Theresa has a gift - she loves to help and honors and glorifies the Lord doing it.


    Health and Mindfulness Coach

    Trust God, His plans, and His timing... 

    From the very beginning God knew what He was doing. He had a plan for this world, for Jesus, and a plan for YOU. We can't even fathom what God’s ultimate plan is for us. 

    No matter what hardships you've experienced in your business so far, our Gracious and Merciful God can turn things around in an instant.

    He will always exceed our expectations.

    He does ask something in return...

    To trust Him... to invite Him to work in your life and business and help you to live out the calling He so preciously designed for your life.

    Whatever your decision is today, I want you to know that God has equipped me to help you. If you feel God is putting the calling on your heart this season to work together, don't delay. Jump in now.